~ Think & Feel ~


Room for Thought

Hollow head with empty sounds
The echoing of nothingness makes me dizzy
Makes me feel sick like I’ve been spinning round

Not empty really
The mess has been cleaned
Everything has been put away
In its place it sits now

Now what

What do I do with all this space
It is so strange to see everything in its place

I must invite them in
For the mess has been cleaned
But is this worthy enough to be seen
Or to be critiqued in any way
Am I prepared for what they have to say

Will they understand what they see

What will they say
What will they say

Written by ~ G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2004
Ginger Gonzales
All Right Reserved


"The Soldiers Rest"
Photographed -&- Written by G.,G.Rae
Photograph of The Chalmette National Cemetery (Chalmette, Louisiana) 

The Soldiers Rest

A national cemetery
A mass grave
A timeline of history in itself
A monument to fallen heroes
Who thought of more than just themselves

This is where the soldiers rest
This is where they lay their heads
This is where loved ones come to visit them
In this place to mourn the dead

Thousands of unfamiliar names
In rows as far as the eye can see
And with them
Thousands of untold stories
That span our history

This is where the soldiers rest
In this setting serene and bittersweet
Feel the calmness in the air
Feel the lull of soldiers in eternal sleep

How many adversaries did these heroes subdue
How many lives did these warriors save
Did they save the life of at least one person
Or did some of them die in vain

This is where the soldiers rest
But is this a peaceful sleep
When the time came for them to close their eyes
Where they able to find heaven in their dreams

I walk along this quiet path
I put loved ones faces with the names
I try to make sense of why they’re resting here
I want to believe their deaths were not in vain

There are two sides to every story
Two sides to every fight
and as with every argument
Both sides believe they’re right

Loved ones put on uniforms
They leave with the idea they’re keeping the world safe
They go to someone else's home
And justify the lives they take

But if they take one life
Then lose their own
More will be sent in their place
Which raises the questions

What exactly are they fighting for
Who are they really keeping safe

A national cemetery
A mass grave
Of history taught
But never learned

Watching helplessly as it repeats itself
Knowing each generation will have their turn

Decorated were these heroes
Now decorated are their graves
They risked it all for our freedom
They gave their lives to keep us safe

~ The Soldiers Rest ~
Written -&- Photographed by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2005
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved



Is the color of the Earth

Is the color of the sky

Gold and green
Scattered here and there
Most of the water has run dry

A desert through out
A dusty place
The days are hot
The nights are cold

A visual treasure to say the least
This land’s history is more valuable than gold

Its sons and daughters keep alive their traditions
While giving room for things to evolve
From one generation to the next
The old ones tell the stories of their father’s fathers

 These stories
Are a part of a history that we should ever forget

Is the color of the men and women

Was the color of their hearts

When the White settlers came to their land
And tore their whole world apart

Some came in piece
And too find a place to call home

Sadly they were out numbered   
By those with a greedy lust for the natives resources and property

What did even more damage
Were the silent killers
The sickness that came with them from across the seas

Is the color of the land
Blood stained from the battles that were fought

Why hasn’t anyone honored these fallen heroes
Our first American soldiers
Their true history still has yet to be taught

They fought for land that was rightfully theirs
They fought for freedom and piece no matter the cost
They fought like true warriors protecting the lives of their loved ones

Many fought selflessly
And many of their own lives were lost

Do you know this land

Do you know its people

Do you know the pride they have in their culture
In their history

Could you ever know or imagine
All they sacrificed and fought for

All in the name of being free

~ Red ~
Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2004
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserve


 I Am - Who Am

Who Am I
I Am You
I Am the voice that’s in your heart
I'm what you know is true

I Am inside of everyone you meet
Everyone you pass upon the street

I Am the rich
I Am the poor
I Am the excuse for every war

I Am loved and hated in many names
But in every name
I Am still the same
And all of this hate makes me so ashamed
So when I cry inside it begins to rain

But those tears will dry
Those clouds will part
So that hopefully someday you will see
I Am - Who Am
I Am you - You are me

If not
The weight you carry upon your shoulders is yours to bare
You’ve created your own crown of thorns
You’ve done all this because you’ve ignored what’s right
You’ve turned your back on the truth that’s in your heart
And put out its light

But in all this darkness there is a glow
Like the moon that shines upon the snow
And like the snow it is soft and white
Because it is the purest form of light

To reveal this light we hold the key
It’s hidden inside of you and me

And it all begins with just one word
It’s a simple word
In it you will find
And Peace of mind

To reveal this light
To turn the key
You must first understand I Am – Who Am
I Am you – You are me

I Am What’s Good
I Am What’s Right
I Am That Tender Kiss Goodnight
I Am What’s Free
And through all of my names
It is my hope
My wish
That everyone will someday see

I Am – Who Am
I Am YOU and You Are ME…

~ I Am - Who Am ~
Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2003
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserve


One and the Same

What is fate
What is free will
Are these two separate things
Or do these two things go hand and hand 
Are we really in control of what happens in our lives
Have our lives already been planed

For some fate is nothing
It doesn’t exist
A piece of fiction invented by man
Others believe fate has an extreme affect on our lives
And that we are all a part of some master plan

I believe in fate
I have free will
My life has been affected by both of these things

Everyone’s has all over the world
But some don’t understand 
What it all truly means

It means that we have control
 But only so much 

Like walking on to a plane
But not knowing if it will crash
Like so many sweet babies who are brought into this world each day
Then than discarded as if they were trash

This list goes on and on
And it really is sad
Because it’s freewill that's the cause of this pain

Now there are tears of joy mixed in with all the sadness
But if we’re too blind to look
We will only see rain

This double edged sword that we know of as life
Is brutal
But the answer is plain

Freewill means we have control over ourselves
But once we make our choices
Fate grabs hold of the reins

It can lead us down paths we might not normally go down
It might make us do things we may not otherwise do
But we all know the differences between right and wrong
So again
These choices are entirely up to you

There isn’t a difference between fate and freewill
This isn’t very hard to explain

It’s the freewill many
That controls the fate in our lives

So these two things
Really are one and the same
Written by ~ G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2003
Ginger Gonzales
All Right Reserved

One Thought

I’m a strong believer in fate
And that it leads us down certain paths
Regardless of the fact we want to go down those paths or not
To help us find the missing pieces to life’s puzzle

In many cases
We find that missing piece in a place and time in our live
We never in a million years expected to find it

What do we do when that missing piece is right in front of us
And we’re not ready for what we’ve found

If fate is as strong and adamant as I believe it to be
Coming across that missing piece the first time wasn’t fate at all
Merely serendipity
A glimpse into possibility

Being fortunate enough to cross paths a second time
No matter how unexpected

That’s fate

Nothing in this life should be rushed
Whatever is meant to be
Will be

All any of us can do is pay attention to the signs
Listen to our hearts
And always refuse to let fear stand in our way

This is my take on life and love
A small window into how I think and feel
And my way of testing fate

Or maybe is it fate’s way of testing me
One Thought
Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2004
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved 


Silent Echo

These quiet words
Used to echo loudly through my mind
My already restless soul

The act of unearthing them
Used to bring me such relief
Make me feel lighter

These words
My words
Have traveled farther
Than my voice could have carried them
They have traveled farther than I could have imagined

These words are still palpable
In and on any space outside my mind
The act of unearthing them
No longer appeases my soul

Out of me
They wait to hit the air
Like leaves waiting for a breeze
They wait to be seen by another
To bring peace
To bring relief
To disquiet their mind
To make restless their soul

~ Silent Echo ~
Written By G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2014
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved

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