~ Lost & Found ~



I quit
Said the brain
Dulling the pain of the heart

What the eyes refused to see
The ears could no longer ignore

This is not right
Said the brain
Making the heart acknowledge the truth

Sitting in a room full of people
Feeling all alone in the room

The ears hear the tune
The eyes cry the tears
The mouth sings the song
The heart will remember for years

Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright© 2006
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved



Where do I fit in
Where do I belong
When will I find home
Why is this taking so long

So many questions still unanswered
So many questions left to ask
Trying so hard to see the future
While trying to overcome the past

It feels like I’m standing in a sink hole
Desperately searching for a way out
Screaming at the top of my lungs
But no one hears me shout

A nowhere person
A broken limb
Where is my tree
Where are my roots
Still searching for the answers
Still searching for the truth 

~ Somewhere ~ 
Written by G.,G.Rae * Copyright © 2003 * Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserve


I Want Out

I am sitting in my room again
Trying to think of a way out
Out of this existence called a life

I don’t believe in suicide
I don’t believe in hurting others to get ahead
And it pointless to work a minimum wage job
For lousy hours
Not see my children
And not be able to put food in their mouth
Or keep a roof over their heads

So what is there
What’s left

We don’t have any money
But we have our health

What happens if our health fails us

If it does
Then we only have what

I tell myself it could be worse
There are others out there in a much harder situation then we’re in

But what scares me the most is
I’m not too far behind those people

I want so many things for my family
A home
A vehicle

I want one thing for myself

But for me to have peace
My family would have to have it first

Could it ever be possible for us to be completely happy
I can’t imagine it

I can’t imagine sitting still even for a moment
Not worrying about bills
Or someone hurting someone that I care about just for fun

The people I love
There are only a few

My children
Who are the reason I breath
My father 

When I say I want out of this life
I’m not wishing for death
I don’t want to die
I’m tired of not living

Just because someone gets out of bed every morning
It doesn’t mean they’re living
They might be alive
They might go through the motions of life everyday
But they’re not living
They’re just existing
And some are barely doing that

I love this place that I am from
There is so much history and beauty here
But I know I don’t belong here
I’ve known this for most of my life
But like so many others
I didn’t listen to that voice inside of me
And now I’m paying for it

I’m still young
Strong and smart

Not as smart as I’d like to think
Otherwise I wouldn’t be in this situation
But I’m working on that

I need to change things now
Because I don’t want my children to think it’s okay to just get by
To settle for just existing
I don’t want them to see someone sad, scared, and tired anymore

They need to know
The only way to get ahead in life
Is to move through the fear
Embrace the unknown
Give everything one hundred percent
And do it all honestly

And the only person that can teach them this
That can make it really sink in
Is me

I was given so many choices
And tons of freedom
But I chickened out

I could have done so much more
I would probably be a lot further ahead by now
At least I figure I would be

The good thing about all of this
Is that I can still change things
Because I do want out
I do want a better life
I’m not looking to be rich
I just want to reach a level of normal
I don’t want to go through life just barely getting by anymore

My family deserves a better life
And no amount of fear should keep me from giving that from them

~ I Want Out ~
Written by G.,G.Rae * Copyright © 2004 * Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved


I wake up
I go through the motions
I wait for something that won’t happen
I sit and stare at a blank sheet of paper
I refuse to write what I need to say

Too many years
Too many losses
Not crying or venting like I need to
I try to keep moving forward
Knowing I’ve lost my way

Nothing feels right anymore
Just empty
I move ahead
But it's an almost motionless crawl
Wanting all of this spinning to stop
I can't see straight
I can no longer make sense of it all

You can’t hear me when I call to you
But my words I know you’ll feel
This isn’t a dream to be awaken from
This life and pain is far too real

Wishful thinking was my curse
I no longer dream asleep or awake
I no longer feel much of anything anymore
I don’t know how much more I can take

How many deaths can one survive
How many chances does one get
Backseat driving in my own life
Quietly asking myself why I'm not there yet

I miss you

I’m sorry

Leave me alone I’m not yours anymore

And to The One
I know you feel me
What the hell are you waiting for

~ Restless ~
Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2012
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved 



I’m sitting in a diner
My back to everything but the door
I am writing and daydreaming
For something more
For something amazing to come along and change my life

An all too common daydream
So common
One might say I sleepwalk

What is it about my dreams that make it so hard to fall asleep

What is it about my dreams that make it so hard to wake up

Always waiting for the other shoe to fall
Preparing myself for the sound
All the while knowing I’ll never expect it when it comes

And knowing
Good or bad
It will quake me to my core

Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2005
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserve


Waiting for you was hard

Believing your "I’m gonnas" was hard
Helplessly watching you suffer your demons was hard

Asking you how you felt about her 

Hearing your response was hard
Leaving you was hard

Hearing you say you miss me was hard
Waiting for you to do something to get me back was hard

Waking up realizing what a pile of bullshit this was
Finally telling you to leave me the fuck alone 
Was hard

Every day I wake up with the knowledge I am no longer yours
Is freedom

The spinning has stopped
Silence has replaced the incoherent noise  
My stomach can relax
A weight has lifted off my chest 
Reintroducing effortless breath

~  Sovereign  ~
Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2012
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved

 Letting Go

Stuck inside my mind again

How did this happen
How did I lose the words I so often spoke
How do I find my way again
When all I do is float

Nothing to fall back on
Nothing to catch me if I land
How do I find my way again
When there is no ground to even stand

Fear is holding me back

The fear of what
I’m not afraid

Living in denial is what keeps me in this stifled state

Admit to myself that I’m not floating
All I’m doing is holding on
To a life not happy 
But familiar
Counting the days till the year is gone

Fear is holding me back
The fear of falling
Of letting go

But my fear of never knowing
Has now outweighed my fear of the great unknown

Learn to let go is what I must do know
Close my eyes and just fall back

Learn to fall is what I must do now
Just let go of what holds me back

~ Letting Go ~
Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2005
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserved


True Reflection

I am sitting across from a woman

And what I see
Is my very own reflection staring back at me

I remember sitting across from this same reflection about a year ago
And what I saw was a woman
Whose fears and doubts
Would not let her go

I was living with a lot of grief

I was depressed all the time
And every night before I went to sleep
For hours I would cry

It felt like I was morning a death
But no one I loved had passed
When I realized it was my own life I was in morning for
I knew I had to change things fast

I couldn’t go on living this way
Because I wasn’t really living at all
And if I hadn’t changed things when I did
I never would have recovered from my fall

I fell hard when I fell in love
It hurt when I hit the ground
When he decided not to catch me
He just left me lying there face down

I had the strength to get back up
But lacked the courage to go far
I guess that’s just what happens
When we forget who we are

I realized I would have to face my regrets
I would have to confront them all head on
If I ever wanted to push through the pain
If I was ever going to move on

I went into the attic
To see if I could find
The boxes of all the vivid dreams and plans I had left behind

I expected to find more boxes
But when I got up there
I only counted three
But with a message written on each one

Remember who you were
Know who you are
~ & ~
Figure out who you will be

Those messages etched into my mind
So simple
Meant to open my eyes and make me think
Think about my life from every angle
From the moments that were good
To the ones that stink

Because these are the moments that define who I am
They might make laugh
They might make me cry
How I handle them
Is how I’ll be remembered
Long after the day I die

I woke the next morning
I was having breakfast with my family
Not yet knowing I would find
The revelations to those messages
That still echoed through my mind

I realized
When I looked over at my mother as she sat across from me
That she was the true reflection of who I will someday be

If I went over and spoke to her
What would she say
Would she tell me what her life was like before her hair turned gray
Would she tell me about all of the vivid dreams and plans she had when she was young
And how most of them were placed in boxes
Then put into the attic
When her adult life had finally begun

Would she talk about her accomplishments
Would she speak of her regrets
Would she mention why she never returned to her boxes
Would she say why she lets them sit

Will she clean out her attic one day
And when she does
Will she realize that her life did not truly start
And it won’t until she ignores her fears and doubts
And listens to her heart

Will she find the courage one day
 To at least try those things she wanted to do
And when she does
Will those dreams become more vivid
Then they ever were when they were new

One day
Will we sit and reminisce on her life after her hair turned gray
Will she have fewer regrets to mention by the time she has reached her dying day
And on that day as I sit beside her
Will she look over at me and see
The true reflection of who she once was
That will live on inside of me

My thoughts were distracted for only a moment
By the sound of my daughter playing in the room across from me
And what I saw when I looked at her
Was the true reflection of who I once was smiling back at me

If she came over and spoke to me
What would she say
Would her words remind me of what it was like to laugh and play all day

Would she tell me about all the vivid dreams and plans she has for when she grows
Will she have the courage to follow her heart
I guess in time will know

Will she learn enough from her grandmother and I
Or will she make the same mistakes
Will she have the strength to get back on her feet and move on
If her heart ever truly breaks

Will she always refuse to let her fears and doubts control her life
And one day when she does something wrong
Will she go back and make it right

Will she keep her plans and dreams out of the attic
Will she at least try to make them come true
Will she know
That trying is the way to live without regret
Will she realize
That trying our best
Is all any of us can do

One day when she sits across from me
Will she look over at me and see
The true reflection of who I am
And who she will someday be

A glimpse into my future
A glimpse into my past
A realization of who I am
Opening my mind enough to make it last

Whenever I look into the mirror now
For a moment I always see
The reflections of my mother and daughter
Looking back at me

Reminding me of my future
Reminding me of my past
And reminding me
That if we all learn to practice what we preach
We will learn to live at last

Written by G.,G.Rae
Copyright © 2004
Ginger Gonzales
All Rights Reserve

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